I honestly do not understand those who are against the proposed Mosque 2 blocks away from the WTC site. Muslims are not terrorists. In fact the majority of Muslims are peace loving people. They simply practice a different religion than many of us. Just as there are extremists who are terrorists and also Muslim, so are there Christians that are extremist and kill in the name of their religion. Should we really blame an entire group for the few that are bad seeds? This country was founded on religious freedom. Some in this country seem to believe that really only applies to Christians. It is a good thing to embrace a Mosque anywhere, and maybe even more so in that area. It goes a long way to showing the Islamic world that we are good, peace loving people, who can accept others differences. That we are not to be feared. Terrorism is born out of fear, hatred and intolerance to others. When we are bigoted, intolerant, and close-minded about something as benign as a place of worship we are actually fueling attitudes of mistrust and fear to the Muslim world. The Mosque and community center is a place where people of faith can come together, worship, make friends, be with their family. All good things. And 2 blocks from the WTC is really not all that close. In NYC, there are many, many buildings in a 2 block area. I wonder if anyone can even see the proposed Mosque from the former WTC site? I highly doubt it. Let's not foster the hatred, intolerance, and animosity that created the situation that led to the WTC attacks in the first place. Let's come together in our differences and learn some tolerance, and foster peace so that events like those on 9/11 never happen again. Let's not blame an entire religion on the extremist minority that attacked us. Let's blame the individuals who actually are to blame. They may have said they were Muslim, but they were not really practicing according to Islamic beliefs. Here are two quotes I found that come from the Quaran:
"It may be that Allah will bring about love between you and those of them with whom you are now at enmity... Allah forbids you not respecting those who have not fought against you on account of your religion, and who have not driven you out from your homes, that you be kind to them and deal equitably with them; surely, Allah loves those who are equitable." - Holy Qur'an, 60:8-9
"the taking of one innocent life is like taking all of Mankind... and the saving of one life is like saving all of Mankind" - Holy Qur'an, 5:33.
Do those sound like words from a religion that fosters terrorism? To me they sound very similar to Biblical teachings about loving our neighbor and "thou shalt not kill". We should not fear a group of people because we don't understand them or they are different from us. We should take time to get to know what they are like, and understand that they love their children like we do. The majority of Muslims do not want to commit terrorist acts, or take over the world, they want to be able to live a good life, enjoy worship with their families and friends, just like the majority of Christians. I believe we have different religions on this earth because God knew that different people needed different paths. We are not all the same, why should we all have to worship the same. The important thing is that we love one another, treat each other with kindness and respect and not kill in the name of anything. We need acceptance for ALL people.
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1 comment:
Wow! Daisy, this is an awesome poem. It brings back many memories of my childhood and the old cellar we used to have where Mama stored her cans of peaches, beans, and vegetables. You've used beautiful images in this lovely PoST.
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