Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A perfect day!

Today was a perfect day. We started out doing errands of going to the library (we are doing lots of summer reading), taking Juliana's Kindergarten health form to her doctor to fill out, and taking a boy scout application up to the Boy Scout council office (I am the registration person for our pack this year). Then we got some lunch, both kids willingly helped me clean the house, they even both asked to please help me load the dishwasher and were fighting over who got to put the most dishes in. Then we headed to the pool. The weather was perfect, a nice sunny low 80 degree day. Juliana went down the big slide for the first time, and loved it. She went down about 20 more times! Then it was home, dinner, and out for a bike ride. Charlie finally learned how to ride his bike this past weekend and now he is a pro. I walked and the kids rode their bikes (Juliana's still has training wheels). James went halfway with us, then had to get home to work on a website. We went a mile and a half on the bike trails to a really nice park. The kids then played for a few minutes and we went back home another mile and a half. You would think after 3 miles, being very hot, tired and thirsty, the kids would have complained, whined or started fighting, but not this time. Both kids were happy, fantastically behaved, and rode all the way back home with no complaints. I think they will sleep very well tonight. It is days like these that make me so thankful to have them this age when they still like hanging out with their mom. Charlie even still holds my hand whenever he is walking near me. I cherish days like this!

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