Thursday, April 10, 2008


That game Monday night was incredible. I could not watch parts of it, too stressful. But KU was able to pull out the win in overtime and once again are National Champions! The last time we were National Champions, I was 18, a senior in high school! 20 years sure goes by quickly! I have been getting emails lately from high school classmates planning our 20 year reunion. That just doesn't seem possible. I don't feel that old. I remember when my mom had her 20 year reunion, I felt like she was old and should be celebrating her 20 year reunion. But now that it is me, I don't feel old enough to have graduated 20 years ago! Do teenagers see me as that old?? I guess they do. Other things make me realize how old I am too. Like on Idol, the week they did the songs from the years they were born. Wow, that was eye opening! Most of those kids were born when I was in college!!! I am old enough to be their mom! Even the old ones, Michael Johns, David Cook and Carly I have about 10 years on! But I have accomplished what I wanted to when I graduated. I have a job I love, a wonderful husband who I admire and respect so much, two great kids, a house, 2 dogs, and good friends. I couldn't ask for more.

On another note, last night, we were watching Idol Gives Back, and it moved Charlie to tears. Honestly. He was so upset that there are so many kids suffering, he gave me all the money he has, and wants to donate his allowance this week too. I suggested we make it a Cub Scout service project and put a big jar in the front of the school to collect money and donate to Idol Gives Back. He has a meeting tonight, so we will talk with his den about it,and see if they want to do that. That way Charlie will learn that he can inspire others to give also, and he can organize a fundraiser for a cause he feels deeply about. He had trouble sleeping, and was crying at bedtime thinking about those kids he saw in Africa and in the US that have so much less than he does. He made me so proud. I am glad to know he cares about other people and wants to do something about it!


Laura said...

Awwww, Charlie is soooo sweet, what a little darling he is. Must be his Momma is raising him right! ;o)

Congrats to the Jayhawks! My beloved hockey team got creamed last night, I think this is the beginning of the end. **wince**

Hugs to you and the fam,

Kirstin Elaine Myers said...

Tell Charlie to give Ariana a call and put some positive peer pressure on her to get involved and make the world a better place. She has become complacent and needs a good kick in the behind from her little cousin!